In: life. Also: minimalism.

Backlinks: eco-village, minimalism, recycle.

Sustainable living

This has nothing to do with WEF’s dangerous “Sustainable Development” plan. What I’m saying here is to be conscious of your own life and impact and it’s pretty common sense.

Don’t prepare more food that you can consume. Make sure you never throw away food.
It’s a waste for the farmer (even if it’s industrial farming, there was someone that spent effort to gather the food, wash it, package it), it’s a waste of transport from the farmer to the store, a waste of time for the person that arranged the food on the shelf and it’s a waste for it to rot in the bin…

Being sustainable is less convenient than the opposite. That’s why a lot of people are not willing to put the effort of living a sustainable lifestyle.
It’s less convenient in the short term, but healthier for everybody in the long term.
It gets you out of your comfort zone, which is a great way to challenge your creativity. It becomes easier in time and the more people will do it, it becomes more and more convenient.


Armaments, universal debt and planned obsolescence - those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. – Aldous Huxley


Listing of worldwide open technology projects preserving a stable climate, energy supply and vital natural resources

The lie of “expired” food and the disastrous truth of America’s food waste problem

25% of fresh water in the US goes toward producing food that goes uneaten, and 21% of input to our landfills is food. Right now, landfills are piled high with wasted food, most of which was perfectly fine to eat.
Stop throwing your food away. “Look, Smell, Taste, Don’t Waste”

