The author

Hi there!

My name is Cristi Constantin and I am the author of the Cr;Lf; website.
I am a human from Planet Earth
My daily job is software developer
I try to balance the strictness of software by doing other creative disciplines (in my spare time), like Philosophy and Arts.
This is an incomplete list of my projects.

You can find me on:

Any other places on the web with the same username should be considered a coincidence and it’s probably not me.

Why this website

I like writing. I’ve beeen writing since I was 12.
I had many journals. I was writing at school, during lunch breaks…
In college I was writing during long courses, in the bus on my way home…

This site exists mainly as a personal wiki for my young self 👶 (to learn from), or future older self 👴 (to remember).
It is a way to express myself, for expression’s sake, not necessarily for someone else to read.

This site represents my own opinions and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

There are notes, ideas, articles, photos, bookmarks, books and movie lists… all the things.

Some posts are timeless, but the majority are sorted by the creation date, because to me, they are very relevant in the context of the time they were created.

All the posts are constantly updated, like a wiki.

There is content from different places that I used to publish, like: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr,, etc. (I try to mention the source, to find them easier.)

It is public in the hope that other humans, aliens , or robots might find it useful.

To me, this website is not about the domain “”, that’s just a pointer to the content.
I built the website myself. I own the site source code and the content and I have backups. If I want to deploy it in other places, or change it 100 times in 100 ways, I have FULL control over it. Unlike any social media platform out there…