In: books, knowledge. Also: writing, language.

Backlinks: books, memory, thinking, writing.


I used to read a lot in high-school and college.
Then I started working, I started a family and I stopped reading…
My mind is restless, I have little time and there’s too many things in my head…
I’m collecting these articles and quotes to motivate myself to start reading again, because I know:

Why is reading important?

Why are books long?

Forming new memories needs to be hard. If a discovery is your own, you will remember it.


One who does not like to read is equal to one who cannot read. – Anon

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.
– Erasmus, the 16th century scholar

You should be extending your stay among writers whose genius is unquestionable, deriving constant nourishment from them if you wish to gain anything from your reading that will find a lasting place in your mind.
– Seneca

In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time - none, zero.
– Charlie Munger

One can never read too little of bad, or too much of good books; bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind.
– Arthur Schopenhauer

Regarding long reads: in case of doubt, skip to the conclusion. If it’s worthy of understanding how the author got there, read it all. If not, congratulations. You just avoided wasting time.
Roberto Estreitinho

Don’t just teach your children to read…
Teach them to question what they read.
Teach them to question everything.
– George Carlin


Get reading: this is how books can impact your mental health

By Christina Quaine
We’ve long known that we can find comfort, solace and help in the pages of a book, and now research has confirmed that reading can be good for our mental health

The reading habits of ultra-successful people

Want to know one habit ultra-successful people have in common? They read. A lot.
> When Warren Buffett was once asked about the key to success, he pointed to a stack of nearby books and said, “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it”


Books worth reading twice
Browse this constantly evolving database. Every single recommendation has been verified and includes a quote and/or a link to the source:

How I read, by Simon Hørup Eskildsen:

About reading better:

How to remember what you read:

How to read more - a lot more, by Ryan Holiday:

The key to reading lots of book begins with stop thinking of it as some activity that you do. Reading must become as natural as eating and breathing to you. It’s not something you do because you feel like it, but because it’s a reflex, a default.
Reading is not a luxury. It’s a necessity.

Whatever you’re working on right now, whatever problem you’re struggling with, is probably addressed in some book somewhere by someone a lot smarter than you.
Save yourself the trouble of learning from trial and error. Benefit from that perspective.

If you want to read more, there’s no real secret. It’s about adjusting your priorities and your perception so that reading becomes an extension of who you are and what you do.

When that happens, you’ll be the person that people now ask: How do you do it? And the answer will be: “I just do”.
– Ryan Holiday

Surgical Reading: How to read 12 books at once, by Brian Tobal:
