In: life, knowledge. Also: intuition.

Backlinks: intuition, quotes, thinking.

Imagination 🪄

Form mental images, or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.

Imagination is a large stream of information coming down from the highest levels, but it is blocked by so many dams that when it reaches you, it is but a trickle…

I-magi-nation = A nation of Magicians

Dead imagination = total mind control

Those who lack imagination cannot imagine what is lacking

Worry is a misuse of your imagination.


Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
– Albert Einstein

Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.
– Albert Einstein

Imagination is like a muscle. I found out that the more I wrote, the bigger it got.
– Philip José Farmer

One mind can think only of its own questions; it rarely surprises itself.
– Orson Scott Card, Ender’s shadow

One of the most wicked destructive forces, psychologically speaking, is unused creative power…
– Marie-Louise von Franz

