In: computer, text-editor. Also: VIM-cheatsheet.

Backlinks: vim-cheatsheet.





Mark files

When there are marked files, dired command applies to the marked files.
When no files are marked, dired command applies to the file under cursor.

References for Dired



C-c C-n (org-next-visible-heading)
Next heading
C-c C-p (org-previous-visible-heading)
Previous heading
C-c C-f (org-forward-heading-same-level)
Next heading on same level
C-c C-b (org-backward-heading-same-level)
Previous heading on same level


M-RET (org-meta-return)
Insert a new heading, item or row
C-RET (org-insert-heading-respect-content)
Insert a new heading at the end of the current subtree
M-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)
Insert new TODO entry with same level as current heading

M-LEFT (org-do-promote)
M-RIGHT (org-do-demote)
Promote / demote current heading by one level
M-S-LEFT (org-promote-subtree)
M-S-RIGHT (org-demote-subtree)
Promote / demote the current subtree by one level
M-UP (org-move-subtree-up)
Move subtree up/ swap with previous subtree of same level
M-DOWN (org-move-subtree-down)
Move subtree down/ swap with next subtree of same level

C-c ^ (org-sort)
Sort same-level entries


C-c , (org-priority)
Set the priority of the current headline
S-UP (org-priority-up)
S-DOWN (org-priority-down)
Increase/decrease the priority of the current headline

Define custom priorities for one Org file:

Plain lists

M-RET (org-insert-heading)
Insert new item at current level
M-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading )
Insert a new item with a checkbox
S-UP (org-previous-item))
S-DOWN (org-next-item))
Jump to the previous/next item in the current list, if org-support-shift-select is off
Move the item including subitems up/down / swap with previous/next item of same level
Decrease/ increase the indentation of an item, leaving children alone
Decrease/ increase the indentation of the item, including subitems

C-c ^
Sort the plain list


C-c C-c (org-toggle-checkbox)
Toggle checkbox status or—with prefix argument—checkbox presence at point
C-c C-x C-b (org-toggle-checkbox)
Toggle checkbox status or—with prefix argument—checkbox presence at point
M-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)
Insert a new item with a checkbox
C-c C-x o (org-toggle-ordered-property)
Toggle the ‘ORDERED’ property of the entry, to toggle if checkboxes must be checked off in sequence
C-c # (org-update-statistics-cookies)
Update the statistics cookie in the current outline entry

Table editor

C-c | (org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)
Convert the active region to table
C-c C-c (org-table-align)
Re-align the table without moving point
TAB (org-table-next-field)
Re-align the table, move to the next field. Creates a new row if necessary.
S-TAB (org-table-previous-field)
Re-align, move to previous field
C-c SPC (org-table-blank-field)
Blank the field at point
RET (org-table-next-row)
Re-align the table and move down to next row. Creates a new row if necessary.
M-a (org-table-beginning-of-field)
Move to beginning of the current table field, or on to the previous field
M-e (org-table-end-of-field)
Move to end of the current table field, or on to the next field


C-c C-l (org-insert-link )
Insert a link
C-c C-l (with point on existing link)
Edit the link and description parts of the link
C-c C-o (org-open-at-point)
Open link at point
C-c C-x C-n (org-next-link)
C-c C-x C-p (org-previous-link)
Move forward/backward to the next link in the buffer

Internal links

[[#my-custom-id]] - a link to CUSTOM_ID=my-custom-id
[[*Some section]] - a link to Headline name
If matching doesn’t work, org tries <<My target>> or #+NAME: My Target.
You must make sure that custom IDs, dedicated targets, and names are unique throughout the document.

Define abbreviations for an Org file:


C-c C-t (org-todo)
Rotate the TODO state of the current item
Select the following/ preceding TODO state, similar to cycling
C-c / t (org-show-todo-tree)
View TODO items in a sparse tree
S-M-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)
Insert a new TODO entry below the current

Special todo states for an Org file:


C-c C-q (org-set-tags-command)
Enter new tags for the current headline
C-c C-c (org-set-tags-command)
When point is in a headline, this does the same as C-c C-q

C-c / m or C-c \ (org-match-sparse-tree)
Create a sparse tree with all headlines matching a tags search


C-u M-x (org-insert-drawer)
Insert a property drawer into the current entry
C-c C-x p (org-set-property)
Set a property. This prompts for a property name and a value.
C-c C-c s (org-set-property)
Set a property in the current entry
C-c C-c d (org-delete-property)
Remove a property from the current entry
C-c C-c D (org-delete-property-globally)
Globally remove a property, from all entries in the current file
S-RIGHT (org-property-next-allowed-values)
S-LEFT (org-property-previous-allowed-value)
Switch property at point to the next/previous allowed value

C-c / p
Create a sparse tree based on the value of a property


C-c . (org-time-stamp)
Insert a timestampm or modify current timestamp
C-c ! (org-time-stamp-inactive)
Like C-c ., but insert an inactive timestamp
C-c C-c
Normalize timestamp, insert or fix day name if missing or wrong
S-LEFT (org-timestamp-down-day)
S-RIGHT (org-timestamp-up-day)
Change date at point by one day
S-UP (org-timestamp-up)
S-DOWN (org-timestamp-down)
On the beginning or enclosing bracket of a timestamp, change its type, within a timestamp, change the item under point

Refile and Copy

C-c C-w (org-refile)
Refile the entry or region at point; possible locations for refiling the entry and select one with completion.
C-c M-w (org-refile-copy)
Copying works like refiling, except that the original note is not deleted.

References for Org


References for Magit
