In: lisp, programming, language.

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Common LISP (programming language)

Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language after Fortran and has changed a great deal since its early days, and a number of dialects have existed over its history. Today, the most widely known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Common Lisp and Scheme.
Lisp was invented by John McCarthy in 1958 while he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).






Useful libraries:

Generative art:





(+ 1 2) ;; => 3

#xFF ;; => 255
;; base 16
#16rFF ;; => 255
#16r10 ;; => 16
;; base 32
#32r10 ;; => 32

;; For numbers, use =
(= 5 5.0) ;; => T
(eq 5 5.0) ;; => NIL
(eql 5 5.0) ;; => NIL

(type-of 10) ;; => (INTEGER 0 …)
(type-of 1.5) ;; => SINGLE-FLOAT
(type-of -5) ;; => FIXNUM

(abs -3) ;; => 3
(float 1) ;; => 1.0

(ceiling 1.45) ;; => 2
(floor 1.45) ;; => 1
(round 1.45) ;; => 1

(ffloor 2.5) ;; => 2.0 0.5
(fround 2.5) ;; => 2.0 0.5
(ftruncate 2.5) ;; => 2.0 0.5

(rem -10 3) ;; => -1
(mod -10 3) ;; => 2

(max 1 2 3) ;; => 3
(min 1 2 3) ;; => 1

;; a random nr from 0 up-to 100
(random 100)

;; increment INCF
(let ((x 1)) (incf x)) ;; => 2
;; decrement DECF
(let ((x 1)) (decf x)) ;; => 0

most-positive-fixnum ;; => 4611686018427387903
most-negative-fixnum ;; => -4611686018427387904

Cons pairs & Lists

A cons cell, also known as a dotted pair, is simply a pair of two objects.

Common Lisp, and other languages in the LISP family, make extensive use of lists, but Common Lisp doesn’t actually include a primitive list datatype.
The lists exist only by convention.

;; to create a CONS pair
(cons 1 2) ;; => (1 . 2)

;; can also be expressed as
'(1 . 2) ;; => (1 . 2)

(type-of (cons 1 2)) ;; => CONS

;; a nested cons pair
(cons 1 (cons 2 3))
;; => (1 2 . 3)

;; this is now a list, by convention
(cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) ;; => (1 2)

;; shorter way of declaring a list
(list 1 2) ;; => (1 2)

;; and even shorter
'(1 2) ;; => (1 2)

;; equivalent with
(quote (1 2)) ;; => (1 2)

;; for lists, strings, and bit-vectors use EQUAL
(equal '(1 2) '(1 2))

To access cons and lists, you have a ton of functions, which is expected for a LISt Processor language:

(car '(1 . 2)) ;; => 1
(car '(1 2)) ;; => 1

(cdr '(1 . 2)) ;; => 2
(cdr '(1 2)) ;; => (2)

(cdr '(1 2 3)) ;; => (2 3)
(rest '(1 2 3)) ;; => (2 3)

;; prettier names
(first '(1 2)) ;; => 1
(last '(1 2)) ;; => (2)
(butlast '(1 2 3)) ;; => (1 2)

;; also: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
;; first is functionally equivalent to car, second is functionally equivalent to cadr, third is functionally equivalent to caddr, and fourth is functionally equivalent to cadddr
(setq li '(1 2 3 4))
(second li) ;; => 2
(third li) ;; => 3
(fourth li) ;; => 4

;; check if variable is a list
(listp li)
;; the length of a list
(list-length li)

;; the tail of list beginning with the first matching element
(member 4 '(1 2 3 4 5)) ;; => (4 5)
;; Sequence func: count how many times is found
(count 3 '(1 3 3 3 3)) ;; => 4

;; copy a list
(copy-list li)

Changing lists:

;; concatenate lists
(append (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) ;; => (1 2 3 4)
;; also
(concatenate 'list '(1 2) '(3 4)) ;; => (1 2 3 4)

(defparameter list1 '(1 2 3))
(push 0 list1) ;; => (0 1 2 3)
(pop list1) ;; => (1 2 3)

;; insert fist and return new list
(list* 0 list1)
;; => (0 1 2 3)

;; reverse a list
(reverse list1)
;; => (3 2 1)

Property Lists (Plists)

By convention, you can define lists that represent kind of key to value mappings.
A property list, or Plist, is a regular list in which alternating values are interpreted as keys and their associated values.

;; define an object with 3 keys and 3 values
(defparameter *3dobj* (list 'x 10 'y 5 'z 25))

;; get value of X
(getf *3dobj* 'x)
;; get and use default
(getf *3dobj* 'wrong -1)

;; set new value of X
(setf (getf *3dobj* 'x) 15)

;; create new plist with extra keys-values
(defvar *new-3dobj* (list* 'j -1 *3dobj*))

Association Lists (ALists)

By convention, you can define lists that represent kind of key to value mappings.
An association list, or alist is a regular list whose elements are dotted pairs in which the car of each pair is the key and the cdr of each pair is the associated value.

;; define an object with 3 keys and 3 values
(defparameter *3dobj* (list (cons 'x 10) (cons 'y 5) (cons 'z 25)))

;; ZIP keys and values
(pairlis '(a b c) '(2 4 8))
;; => ((C . 8) (B . 4) (A . 2))

;; get a key-value pair
(car (member 'z *3dobj* :key 'car)) ;; => (z . 25)

;; shorter
(assoc 'y *3dobj*) ;; => (y . 5)

;; create new alist with extra keys-values
(acons 'c 3 '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
;; => ((c . 3) (a . 1) (b . 2))


(write “Hello”)
(print “Hello”)

(char “a-b_c” 0) ;; => #\a
(char “a-b_c” 1) ;; => #\-
(char “a-b_c” 3) ;; => #\_

(length “Hello”) ;; => 5

(stringp “a”) ;; => T
(type-of “abc”) ;; => (SIMPLE-ARRAY CHARACTER (3))

;; convert to string
(string 'tick) ;; => “TICK”
(string #\c) ;; => “c”

(equal “a” “a”) ;; => T

(string= “x” “y”) ;; => NIL
(string= “A” “a”) ;; => NIL
;; string NOT equal
(string/= “” “”) ;; => NIL

(string< “a” “b”) ;; => 0 means True
(string> “b” “a”) ;; => 0 means True
(string> “a” “a”) ;; => NIL

(string>= “a” “a”) ;; => 1
(string<= “a” “a”) ;; => 1

(string-upcase “hey”) ;; => HEY
(string-downcase “Hey”) ;; => hey
(string-capitalize “hEy”) ;; => Hey

(string-trim " " " spaces “)
;; => “spaces”
(string-trim " ,;” " spaces, ; ")
;; => “spaces”

(subseq “Red green blue” 0 9) ;; => “Red green”
(subseq “Red green blue” 10) ;; => “blue”

;; split using regex
(cl-ppcre:split “\\.” “”)
;; => (“127” “0” “0” “1”)

(reverse “Hello”) ;; => “olleH”

(concatenate 'string “Hello” “World” “!”)
;; => “HelloWorld!”
(sort (vector “C” “A” “b” “abc” “Xyz”) #'string<))
;; => #(“A” “C” “Xyz” “abc” “b”)


Format deserves its own special place, because it’s power and super complicated.

Variables & Constants

;; local variables
(let ((x 1) (y 2)) (format nil “~a ~a” x y) )

;; a global (dynamically scoped) variable
;; DEFPARAMETER is a macro which uses SETF and always sets a value
;; by convention, global variables have earmuffs
(defparameter *number* 5 “optional docstring”)

;; DEFVAR is a macro which uses SETF and doesn’t overwrite an already existing value
;; you can use it to define default values, if they don’t exist
;; the name comes from “define variable”
(defvar n 1)
(defvar n 2)
(print n) ;; => 1

;; SETF is a macro which uses SETQ internally and is more powerful than SETQ
;; SETF is the most general way of setting values
(defparameter li (list 1 2 3))
(setf (car li) 9)
(car li) ;; => 9

;; SETQ can only define simple values
(setq a 1 b 2 c 3)
(setq 3d '(x y z))
;; SETQ always quotes its first argument, for unquoted, use SET
;; SET is considered deprecated
(set 'name “Lisp”)

;; Constants are defined with DEFCONSTANT
(defconstant server-addr “localhost:8000” “A server host:port”)
(documentation 'server-addr 'variable) ;; => “A server host:port”
(constantp server-addr) ;; => true

Functions & Lambdas

;; a function without params
(defun hello-world ()
“A function that prints & returns Hello.”
(print “Hello World”))

(hello-world) ;; => Hello World

(defun hello (name)
“Say hello to Name.”
(format t “Hello ~a !~&” name))

(hello “Dude”) ;; => Hello Dude !

(defun fib (n)
“Return the nth Fibonacci number.”
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2)))))

;; call the function like usual
(fib 9) ;; => 34

;; functions can be called programatically
(funcall #'fib 9)
(apply #'fib '(9))

;; #’ is a shorthand for (function …)
(funcall (function +) 1 2)
(apply (function +) '(1 2))

;; simple lambda
(lambda (x) (print x))


(= 1 1) ;; => T
(eql NIL '()) ;; => T

(and T T) ;; => T
(and T nil) ;; => NIL

(or T T) ;; => T
(or T nil) ;; => T

;; IF condition do else
(if T (print “This is True”) (print “This is False”))
;; => “This is True”

;; WHEN and UNLESS don’t have an ELSE
(when t 'hello) ;; => HELLO
(unless t 'hello) ;; => NIL
(when nil 'hello) ;; => NIL
(unless nil 'hello) ;;=> HELLO

;; cond macro
(cond ((= a 1) (print 1))
((= a 2) (print 2))
(t 'bigger)) ;; => 1

;; case / switch
(case 1
((1) 'is1)
((2) 'is2)
(otherwise 'bigger)) ;; => IS1

;; switch on the type of the value
(typecase 1
(string “It’s a string”)
(integer “It’s an int”)) ;; => It’s an int

Arrays & Vectors

Hash tables & Maps
