
This is the index of my Memex.

This “memex thing” should be navigated like a maze, in no particular order, because it’s not supposed to have a beginning or an ending.
All the pages are constantly updated and re-organized.
They are incomplete and alive. There are unfinished ideas, spellig errors, even unfinished sentences…

Major topics that spark my interest:

Programming is a very important part of my life, both profesionally and in my spare time, as a hobby.
The languages that I used, or I know have separate entries:
Python, Javascript, Go, Elixir, LUA, Rust, Lisps, CSS, Markup languages

I spend a lot of time on the computer, in command line, checking code, running tests, connecting to servers and so on.
Tools important to me:
Terminals & Shells, Text editors & Note taking, Offline tools.

I’m trying to minimize my online footprint. I care about Privacy & Security quite a lot.

I want to create beautiful things. I’m not there yet, but it’s still important to study:

I’m collecting notes about my favorite drinks, there’s so much I don’t know about them, even if I consume them quite a bit:
Coffee, Beer, Wine. Even Water, why not?

I am interested in different diets: vegetarianism, wet fasting and dry fasting.
They are important to me both as a way of training my undisciplined mind and also help the body heal.

