English hieroglyphics and numbers

I found a website that intrigued me very much:

English Hieroglyphics

Let’s define all the letters of the english alphabet as numbers:

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
# ...

So these are some numbers and very interesting coincidences:

sweetheart == i love you == walk hand in hand == 124
our == fall in == love == 54
token of == respect == 86
passage == of time == 68
arts and == sciences == 77
retired == gardening == 79

a witch riding == broom stick == 125
broom = 63 ;; stick = 62 ;; riding = 61

human = 57  ;; beings = 56
sun = 54    ;; shine = 55
pause = 62  ;; rest = 62
stock = 68  ;; exchange = 67
inch = 34   ;; measurement = 134
son = 48    ;; daughter = 84 ;; child = 36 (daughter - son)
wild = 48   ;; horses = 84
piano = 55  ;; pianist = 88

organic foods == surplus == live food diet == 126
ten triangles == synesthesia == inspiration == 144
night == star == indigo == zodiac == 58

Easy to calculate with this Python script:

word = 'love'
sum(ord(i) - 96 for i in word)
# 54
@notes #intriguing #english #hieroglyphics